COHEHRE – New Structure
By Kirsten Garré In General News, NewThese past years all organisations had to tackle significant challenges. This created opportunities to show our strength as an organization and saw us offering a great return on your membership. An unstoppable team of volunteers willing to dedicate their time and efforts into organising activities made it all possible. Their energy kept all of us optimistic throughout!
Through time though the idea came about to blow a new wind through COHEHRE in such a way that we would become 1 big team where transparency would be key to enable a smooth cooperation in which one could easily pick up the thread where the other one left it. One structure to simplify the organization of our core activities which are conferences, courses, and networking.
Behind the scenes we have been working on a proposal which we would like to introduce at the special general assembly which will take place on 28/04 and for which the COHEHRE contact person of your institution received an invitation.
The special general assembly will shed clarity on this proposal. A voting form will be sent afterwards.
The work on the new structure subsequently means that we haven’t organised any activities temporarily but we will soon send out an update on the activities that are in the pipeline for 2023!