The European Centre for Expertise
Founded in 1989, the EAIE is the European centre for expertise, networking and resources in the internationalisation of higher education. At the EAIE, we are building an ecosystem where fresh ideas and best practices can flourish and shape the field of internationalisation. As a member-led organisation, we provide a platform for learning, networking and knowledge exchange. Our activities are geared towards helping professionals succeed in their work. We equip academic and non-academic professionals with best practices and workable solutions to internationalisation challenges and provide a platform for strategic exchange. We partner with key stakeholder organisations and institutions to promote our membership interests and advance international higher education. In short, we are dedicated to promoting and driving responsible international education in Europe and beyond.
Read more? Click here. http://www.eaie.org/
European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities
EASPD represents over 8.000 social service provider organizations across Europe and across disability groups. The main objective of EASPD is to promote the equalization of opportunities for people with disabilities through effective and high quality service systems. EASPD believes in interdependence and partnership of user organizations, providers and authorities at all levels to tackle the challenges ahead. Read more? Click here. http://www.easpd.eu/
The European Interprofessional Practice and Education Network
EIPEN aims to develop and share effective interprofessional training programmes, methods and materials for improving collaborative practice in health and social care in Europe. After several years of functioning as a project group with European funding, EIPEN has been established formally as a membership organization in 2013. Read more? Click here. http://www.eipen.eu/