
Creating a Social Entrepreneurship to Fight Poverty

Ever wondering how children and families living in a slum are surviving? ​ One of the experts of the ‘Creating a Social Entrepreneurship to Fight Poverty’ -course is working in the biggest slum of India to help people to develop social business from trash. ​ Join the course and learn more by developing products with…

COHEHRE Webinar 1

Title Ergonomically-friendly online lectures for both lecturer and students   Description At the start of the Corona crisis, many lecturers and students had to switch from real-life to online lectures, all of a sudden. As a result, the time spend on the computer and sedentary behaviour has increased. In this webinar we will, after going…

Elections 2020

The elections usually take place at the yearly conference. Due to COVID-19 we unfortunately had no choice but to cancel this year’s conference at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. Therefore, we have asked the candidates to film their introduction, so that you would have a better idea of who they are and what their aspirations…

eDiSI (Diversity and Social Inclusion) for students ONLINE & FREE

You might have noticed it already on our website and on Facebook: The COHEHRE Academy is fighting back against the coronavirus!   This time we offer the opportunity to students all over the world to join an online course on 19.4.-15.5.2020. Diversity and Social Inclusion (eDiSI) is a course aimed at enhancing awareness of different…

International Programme on Paediatric Rehabilitation ONLINE

COHEHRE Academy goes online! INTERNATIONAL MODULE ON PAEDIATRIC REHABILITATION International – Interdisciplinary – Intercultural…. Digital.   Due to the COVID19 virus, the module was organised entirely online. 38 students from 9 countries and guests from the clinical practice in Georgia and Ukraine followed the module online. The module was established in cooperation with the University…

Workshop: Erasmus+

The University of Vic- Central University of Catalonia together with COHEHRE Academy organized a workshop “Towards the new Erasmus+ Programme (2021-2027)” on February 2020. The workshop was spread over two days and included lectures and workshops. This capacity building workshop was an inter-disciplinary course for lecturers, project-managers and international coordinators in health care professions who…

Corona virus implications on the COHEHRE Conference in Rotterdam

  I am very sorry to inform you that the COHEHRE Conference will not be going ahead at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences as planned this year.    There have been extensive discussions between the COHEHRE Council, the RUAS organising team and the RUAS University Executive. In the light of the spread of the Corona Virus, we do not…

ELECTIONS 2020 Rotterdam

Four candidates have applied for the following vacancies: COHEHRE President Patricia Claessens, Arteveldehogeschool Gent, Belgium Patricia Claessens application letter 2020 COHEHRE Council member (background in Strategic Management) Marc Elie, HAN, The Netherlands 2 COHEHRE Council members (background in Research) Ester Goutan Roura, UVIc-UCC, Spain Annemie Spooren, PXL, Belgium Patricia Claessens, Marc Elie, Ester Goutan Roura and…

Workshop: Community Engaged Scholarship

The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences together with COHEHRE Academy organized a workshop ” Community Engaged Scholarship” in November 2019.   The workshop was three days and it included lectures, workshop and study visits. This capacity building workshop was an inter-disciplinary course for educators in health care professions who were interested in the ethics of…