COHEHRE Research
By Isabelle Delariviere In NewCOHEHRE Research would like to create an extra dimension and give an added value to participation in the consortium. The aim of COHEHRE Research is to play an active role in undertaking initiatives and acting as a platform that facilitates, supports and coordinates different research activities among and in collaboration with the partner institutions. The initiatives will based on the needs of COHEHRE member institutions and their individual members.
Therefore the starting objective is to compose a group of persons who wants to be involved the COHEHRE Research by identifying a Special Person of Contact (SPOC) for research at each COHEHRE member institution.
This SPOC will be the contact person to provide information on the research of their institution and to share knowledge and skills on research. We will invite this person to participate on the conference to meet other SPOCs of the COHEHRE member institutions.
The council would like to ask you to look in your institution for this person and to provide us following details:
- Name
- Department
- Institution
- Telephone number
You can send your details to