Welcome in Ghent!

We are looking forward to welcoming you at the COHEHRE Conference in Ghent, Belgium on 18-20th of November 2024 which will be hosted by Odisee University of Applied Sciences and Artevelde University of Applied Sciences.

The theme of the conference is Revolutionising Health Education: The impact of Innovative Practice, with 4 subthemes:

  • Simulation as a learning method
  • Living Labs
  • Integration of AI in teaching + assessment
  • Creating BIPs


We are extending an invitation to 20 Master students to participate in co-creation activities and to present research.

The preliminary programme can be found here

The outline for Staff at the conference can be found here.

The outline for Master students at the conference can be found here.


Once the program is finalized and the details of the training sessions are available, necessary to make a well-considered choice, registration will commence. A notification will be emailed once registration becomes available, and a link for registration will be included on the website. Registration will operate on a first-come, first-served basis. If you are not already on our mailing list, kindly provide your email address here to stay updated on all conference announcements.




We would like to extend an invitation for you to submit abstracts on the specified topics below for the upcoming COHEHRE Conference on Revolutionising Health Education: The impact of Innovative Practice.

Abstract topics:

  • Simulation as a learning method
  • Living Labs
  • Integration of AI in teaching
  • Other


We welcome abstracts (oral presentations, posters, workshops and online webinars) no longer than 2300 characters including spaces (around 350 words) in the following presentation categories:

  • Research Study or Practice Development
  • Innovative Educational Project


Please find the Abstract Guidelines and Call of Abstracts here.
Submit your abstract here.

The abstract submission will take several types of presentations: oral communication, posters, workshops and online webinars. All accepted abstracts will be featured on the conference website and published in an indexed journal. The most qualitative article from each theme will be fully published in the same indexed journal!


Important dates!
Abstract submission deadline: 23.08.2024

Notification on the outcome of the reviewing process: 7.10.2024

More info on the conference: click here!