

Find out what COHEHRE has been up to in our latest newsletter : Presentation of our newly composed COHEHRE council An overview of our activities during the pandemic Watch and read our student testimonials on the student courses Read up on the IPPE webinar in the report Find out which activities are in the pipeline Ask…

Webinar: Enhancing student involvement in online learning

Title Enhancing student involvement in online learning Description Using examples and good practices from our health care department, we try to give some tips, tricks and tools to enhance student involvement through interactivity and active learning during online synchronous or asynchronous classes. Presenters Lynn Oeyen, Educational Development Coordinator, Journalism at Artevelde University of Applied Sciences, Belgium…

Report on the IPPE Webinar

The IPPE-Panel discussion with experts could count on a big turnout (242 participants) proving that the subject of palliative and end-of-life care is one that is very much living among the students and staff. The webinar consisted of 2 parts. In the first part, the topic of ‘Medical decision making in the end-of-life and the…

IPPE Webinar on Palliative and End-of-Life Care

Description Panel discussion with experts on palliative and end-of-life care Programme Part 1: 13.00-14.00 CET: ‘Medical decision making in the end-of-life and the place of euthanasia in end-of-life care’ Chair: Mariana Pereira, IPS, Portugal Jana Hermanova, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic Hilde Van den Hooff Teacher ethics, Artevelde University of Applied Sciences Gent, Belgium Nancy…

Interdisciplinary Programme on Palliative and End-of-life care (IPPE)

INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMME ON PALLIATIVE AND END-OF-LIFE CARE (IPPE)  The Interdisciplinary Programme on Palliative and End-of-life Care has been developed in cooperation with 10 European Universities and a North-American University: University of Connecticut (UCONN).  In January 2021 the project will be organized in blended learning in 3 formats: FORMAT 1  Blended learning and contact education in Ghent: We…

Webinar: Intercultural learning in Nursing during a Covid Pandemic

Title Intercultural learning in Nursing during a Covid Pandemic Description The team will elaborate on the organization and experiences on Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL), an online course for nursing students in different countries.During this course, nursing students are able to compare their experiences of nursing during the Covid-19 pandemic . This COIL project could help students…

COHEHRE Webinar 3

Title Transforming the international occupational therapy „FAB“ semester into the online environment Description The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the international occupational therapy „FAB“ semester during the students placement and we then had to transform three modules and the official end of the semester, including the reflections and celebrations, to online courses. In the webinar, we…


7 Saturdays 14 Keynote Speakers 39 Students 18 Nationalities 4 Continents = 82 opportunities to explore, exchange and research to result in creating a Social Entrepreneurship!   A few introductions of the Keynote Speakers could be found here: Introduction speakers SE   Saturdays will never be the same for the students partaking in the ‘Creating a Social…

Diversity and Social Inclusion (eDiSI)

Student Course: Diversity and Social Inclusion (eDiSI) is a program of study aimed at enhancing awareness of different kinds of social inequalities rooted in many different ways of diversity in our contemporary societies. It supports to develop core competences in health care professionals, social workers with the help of an already piloted interdisciplinary model (ICIC)…