
COHEHRE Research Core Group Member

We are happy to announce that Niina Eklöf from the South-Eastern University of Applied Sciences in Finland will join the COHEHRE Research Core Group in their future activities!   The COHEHRE Research Core Group now consists of the following people:   Ester Goutan Roura (UVic, Spain) Annemie Spooren (PXL, Belgium) Célia Soares (Instituto Politècnico de…

COHEHRE Conference 2020

Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences is thrilled to be hosting the COHEHRE 2020 conference in the dynamic city of Rotterdam! The theme of the conference will be ‘Urban Health: Inclusion and Sustainability in super-diverse Cities‘   3 subthemes: Students: Education & Diversity Clients: Practice & Diversity Healthcare professionals: Labour market & Diversity   Programmes Staff…

ELECTIONS 2019 Vic, Spain

Two candidates have applied for the position of Council Member. Aija Ahokas and Marc Elie will introduce themselves at the General Assembly, which takes place on Thursday the 4th of April at the COHEHRE Conference in Vic, Spain. Each Full Member has one vote.  

COHEHRE Research

The COHEHRE research branch has put emphasis on the professionalisation of the communication and work tools. The COHEHRE Research branch has developed an online abstract submission and review process in order to make the submission and review process more efficient for both authors and reviewers. Furthermore, the COHEHRE Research Core group is preparing the webpage…

4-day workshop

From 2 till 5th of November 2018, the COHEHRE Academy organized in cooperation with the devLAB of University of Applied Sciences in Oulu (OAMK) a 4-day workshop. 17 participants from Europe and a delegation for Nepal worked intensively in experiencing the method of project-oriented learning developed in the devLAB. The workshop was built around 3…

COHEHRE Conference 2019

The University of Vic is thrilled to be hosting the COHEHRE 2019 conference in the feisty Catalonian town of Vic! 70km north of Barcelona, en route to the Pyrenees, the town of Vic combines dreamy medieval architecture with youthful liveliness. The theme of the conference will be ‘Integrated Care: New trends in higher education and research‘…

COHEHRE Research

COHEHRE Research would like to create an extra dimension and give an added value to participation in the consortium. The aim of COHEHRE Research is to play an active role in undertaking initiatives and acting as a platform that facilitates, supports and coordinates different research activities among and in collaboration with the partner institutions. The…

Abstract submission 2018

Online abstract submission for the COHEHRE Conference, 18th – 20th April 2018, is now open. The conference will be hosted by Arteveldehogeschool Ghent, Belgium. The theme of the conference will be “Rapid changes in health and social care: opportunities and threats”, with three subthemes: Building resilience Innovation and co-creation Developing Entrepreneurship   We welcome abstracts (oral presentations…

Conference Website 2018

Artevelde University College is delighted to be hosting the COHEHRE 2018 conference in the beautiful, vibrant city of Ghent, Belgium! Our COHEHRE Conference website will be your guide for what concerns:   Programs Staff (18-20 April 2018) Students (16-20 April 2018) Strategic Management (19 April 2018) Registration Students (deadline01.2018) Staff/Strategic management Abstract submission (deadline12.2017) Our…